T Please use the links below to go to the service you are interested in:-
The New Princess Alexandra Hospital |
The Foodbank is designed to help individuals and families in crisis by providing free emergency food until the appropriate agencies are in a position to assist. |
Harlow Frontline isa community project that helps the public and frontline workers; Quickly find details on local health and wellbeing services; Contact services through call-back and referral options.
The New Princess Alexandra Hospital
A new home for local people please visit - home of information for news and information about Harlow's new hospital project. A new state of the art hospital for Harlow will mean better healthcare for our communities and a more welcoming environment for our people to work in. Perhaps you would like to get involved - to find out more please visit - Get Involved and remember you don't have to working in Health and Social Care to become involved.
For free, confidential and impartial advice on issues ranging from benefit advice, housing or employment problems. For further information please visit their website or contact them on 0808 278 7856.
Heart 4 Harlow has been working with the Dementia Action Alliance to raise awareness of Dementia in churches and to resource information, training and advice to support Churches in becoming more Demetia Friendly. For further information about our work in this area please click here
The Chocolate Run is a charity dedicated to helping Harlow’s homeless and vulnerably housed. Please click on the link above to find out more.
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Tech Library is a Rainbow Services project helping to reduce loneliness and social isolation (virtually). Rainbow Services are able to loan technical equipment for a period of one week at a time, for those that are eligible, so that they can remain socially connected. For details and / or to speak someone please click here. |
Mind in West Essex
Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. Local Minds support people in communities across England and Wales. Their range of services include supported housing, crisis helplines, drop-in centres, employment and training schemes, counselling and befriending.
Changing Lives
Changing Lives is a Non-Profit Community Interest Company that increases physical activity in the community & prevents children from the involvement in anti-social behaviour and gang activity through sports sessions and social enterprise workshops.
There is now a Changing Lives Community Hub OPEN in Harlow.
Intergrated Support Services
Integration Support Services works with migrants, refugees and BME community members across Essex and Herefordshire to help them integrate successfully. They offer a range of services, all designed to help their service users feel more at home in their communities.
As a Christian-based charity MRCT's aims and objectives are to develop voluntary work and social opportunities for people who are often perceived as being disadvantaged, either through a disability or social difficulty.
Our key aim is the inclusion of all people, irrespective of social status, ability, disability, age, ethnic grouping or religious belief. It is all too easy to write off someone because they may not seem to be socially acceptable or fit into the general perception of how someone should look or act, but everyone has a part to play in their local community.
Harlow Holiday Lunch Clubs
Free holiday clubs for families who may struggle during the holidays.
The Harlow Holiday Lunch Clubs Network is an initiative of Harlow Churches working together with a group of voluntary sector organisations, supported by local authority bodies and businesses, all working together to provide great fun and food for families during school holiday periods. For further info and how to book please click the image.
ECL Care
ECL provides care and support to thousands of people to live safely and independently within their own homes and local communities in South East England.
Our services support older people, adults with learning disabilities, adults receiving reablement services and people with sensory impairment.
Red Balloon Foundation
Belong Believe Become
Red Balloon Foundation is a Christian charity serving families and communities to enable them to "discover and become who they are designed to be..."
Click on the image to check out what is happening near you
Rainbow Services
Rainbow Services works for change to alleviate the effects of disadvantage, deprivation and social exclusion through imaginative projects that support, enable and develop people and organisations, and which stimulate beneficial change in the Harlow community and beyond.
Community Builder PRoject, WECAN and the Recycling workshop are just some of the projects delivered by Rainbow - please click the image to fined out more.
St Clare's Hospice
St Clare Hospice is a local charity and each year we care for hundreds of people across West Essex and the East Hertfordshire border. We provide free, compassionate care and support to adults who are living with a life-limiting illness, facing the end of life or experiencing bereavement.
Bereavement Cafe
Bereavement Café project aims to connect local, bereaved people in West Essex and East Herts together, to support each other through grief and loss.
Everyone is welcome to access this free, community-led service – whether your loss was recent, or a long time ago.
Bounty Club
The Bounty Club collects surplus food from wholesalers and makes it available to households on low income – helping to make a their weekly shop more affordable The Bounty Club is in St Paul’s Church (next to Harlow Playhouse) Monday to Friday from 2.15 – 3.15 pm call in and join! |
Helen Rollason Cancer Charity
Helen Rollason Cancer Charity is dedicated to supporting people whose lives are touched by cancer. Our Support Centres in Essex and London are vital in helping people living with cancer. The centres offer a range of complementary therapies to patients in an environment of peace and tranquillity, including counselling, reflexology, aromatherapy, manual lymphatic drainage and support groups.
Streets 2 Homes
Streets2Homes is a charity based in Harlow, Essex and we provide a day centre which seeks to reach out to and help homeless people. We provide a safe and friendly environment in which we can assist them in a number of ways including finding accommodation.
Therapeutic Counselling at YCT Counselling is an opportunity to talk to someone in confidence about anything that could be worrying you. This could be about a whole range of issues and at YCT we don’t think there is an issue to big or too small. |
RSPCA Stort Valley consists of a clinic offering consultations to eligible clients in Harlow (see About Us) and a charity shop in Bishops Stortford.
The consulation only clinic and advice centre is situated at 23 The Stow, Harlow, Essex CM20 3AN
Read Easy
Discover how you can make a life-changing difference to the lives of adults in your local area.
2.4 million adults in England alone cannot read at all or can barely read. Our vision is for all adults in the UK to have the literacy skills they need to fulfil their potential and live life to the full.
Healthwatch Essex
Have Your Say!
Are you trying to access GP services in Harlow or Uttlesford?
If you are, we’d like to hear from you. Please click on the image.
We want to hear about your experience of health and social care so we can help to improve services across Essex. This is your opportunity to speak up as your experiences are invaluable in creating changes for the better.
Dementia Awareness and Support
Handyman Project
This project is now accepting referrals -
please click this link to download the referral form
Reach Out for Mental Health
Reach Out for Mental Health are here Monday–Friday 11am–7pm for anyone who has suicidal feelings or anyone who feels that they are struggling with their mental health. |
The Sunflower Community Project
A friendly and supportive community who recognise the importance of mental health and wellbeing. |